Raised in the former Belgian Congo, Dieudonne Egotanda is ever mindful of the privilege of a free, quality education and sees it as his responsibility to make sure that all students receive opportunities to excel academically. When Mr. Egotanda arrived at New Utrecht High School in 2002, AP Calculus AB courses were dormant. Now, New Utrecht offers both AP Calculus AB & BC and Mr. Egotanda's courses boast an average of 4.7 on the AP Calculus exam. With his palpable compassion and care for students, Mr. Egotanda is equally effective with students who may struggle with math. Says one colleague, "The best teachers are the ones who convey deep empathy and make an investment in their students' lives and future. Mr. Egotanda is the shining example for this."
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With a successful background in engineering and software development, Mr. Galli brings a wealth of mathematical and professional knowledge to his students at Franklin D. Roosevelt High School. Excelling as a teacher of AP Calculus, Mr. Galli also created the school's math team, connecting students with a larger community of mathematics in New York City. In 2010, he expanded this vision by creating the South Brooklyn Invitational Math Competition, which is hosted at FDR and resembles the rigor and format of national competitions. According to a former student, "Mr. Galli's classroom was like a shrine for us. It was a place of serious work and a place where we felt challenged, but it was also a place where we felt like we grew as students and human beings."
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Gustavo Gonçalves strives to share his love for the beauty of mathematics in his classroom. Through his distinct passion for the subject and his democratic approach to teaching that emphasizes the centrality of the student, Mr. Gonçalves has garnered an impressive 4.75 average on the AP Calculus AB exam. To ensure that all students enter 10th grade with a proper background in Integrated Algebra, he created a Math Foundations course to allow for cohesive learning for freshman arriving from different middle schools. Says one colleague, who has taught mathematics for 32 years, "I have learned more about teaching from working with him and observing his teaching than I have from any other teacher in my career."
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Joseph Danquah's main goal is to encourage students to think about math in ways that are not only relevant to their daily lives, but as a conceptual framework built off critical thinking and logic. The rigor of his classroom, and his renowned tutoring and summer "boot camp" sessions, allowed his former students at DeWitt Clinton High School to excel on the AP Calculus exam and pursue careers in math and science after graduation. Now teaching at Bard High School Early College, Mr. Danquah is already having a profound effect on students. Says Principal Michael Lerner, "Joseph is a mathematics instructor that is almost too good to be true. He mixes his generosity and willingness to work with students at any time with a remarkable mathematical skill and unparalleled work ethic."
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For Patricia Peña Carty, exposing students to professional-level science research opportunities while fostering an understanding in students of how science can be used as vehicle for social change is paramount. Her biology students have conducted original research on air quality concerns in the South Bronx and have presented their research to professional scientists and local lawmakers, while also researching wildlife forensics at the Museum of Natural History. Ms. Peña Carty has also created a Genetics course at University Heights High School, with students designing and conducting their own genetic research projects to be presented at the Urban Barcode Project. Says one colleague, "Students feel like scholars in her class. Their mastery of difficult scientific content is exceptional."
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When Patrick Callahan arrived at The Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics in 2012, the only science course the school offered not tied to a Regents Exam was AP Biology. Upon arrival, Mr. Callahan created a Science Research course in which students independently design their own scientific research project and present their research at science fairs and competitions across the city. This past year, Mr. Callahan also advocated for, designed and is teaching the school's first AP Environmental Science course. Says Principal Edward Tom, "He is a superstar as a teacher and scientific role model for our students. His work ethic is unparalleled and he is always working to level the playing field for students in the South Bronx.
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Shanaz Baksh is not simply a teacher of science; her purpose is to convert students whose goal is to get a high score on AP exams into students who love biology and are thoroughly at home in scientific research. She instills in her students an excitement about learning, an understanding of what it means to be model scientists and how to work out complex assignments in teams. Through her Science Research course, students are paired with scientists and professors across the city who guide students in crafting original scientific research projects. Says one such professor "Her students do serious investigative science. They show respect to processes, ask penetrating questions, are inspired by the possibilities of scientific research and their focus is intense."
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